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Projects for the integrated waste water management systems for agglomerations Donja Dubrava and Mursko Središće were presented to the councilors of the city and municipal councils.

Performed activities on the development of the feasibility study and the project design were presented. Upcoming activities and the work flow were also presented, which should be realized in order to apply the project for the European cohesion fond. Both projects, with the support of PRONING DHI and good cooperation with investors, have been prepared to a high level. After the presentations, sessions of nearly all councils in the relevant area are expected to show support for and participation in projects. Construction is planned by the end of this year.

Donja Dubrava project comprises of the following: 65 km of gravity sewer lines, 16 km pressures pipelines, 34 pumping stations, 400 m3 retention basin and the construction of a third degree WWTP with a treatment capacity of 13.000 ES and sludge treatment plant. In addition, there is a plan to purchase a special vehicle for combined cleaning and a special vehicle for the CCTV inspection of sewerage systems. Total planned project value is around 190 mil. HRK of which about 71% is co – financed from EU funds.

The Mursko Središće project comprises of the following: 60 km gravity sewer lines, 13 km pressure pipelines, 34 pump stations, 2 weirs and 50 m3 retention basin. In Mursko Središće settlement a reconstruction of the existing sewerage system in the length of cca 7.3 km, cca 400 meters of pressure pipelines, 3 pumping stations, 8 weirs and 180 m3 retention basin is planned. The third degree WWTP with a treatment capacity of 12.000 ES and sludge treatment will be constructed. In addition, a special vehicle for emptying septic tanks and sump pits is planned for purchase.

The total planned project value is around 182 mil. HRK of which about 71 % is co – financed with EU funds.

We are a proud member of Clean Hydrogen Alliance


May 4th 2020 - Coronavirus Global Response International Pledging Event Countdown

Real time flood forecasting for Sava River Basin in Croatia

Continuation of implementation of the pilot project and capacity building for flood forecasting - Sava from Sisak to the border with Republic of Serbia

RECONECT partner

RECONECT project leaflet


PRONING DHI Ltd. for design, services and trade
Račkoga 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb Office:
Otona Kučere 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. (+385 1) 455-6903, 461-0903, 461-0904
fax. (+385 1) 455-6904

Split Office:
Vukovarska 7, 21000 Split, Croatia
tel. (+385 21) 343-520
fax. (+385 21) 480-114
